Little Women (1994)
Showtimes > Little Women (1994)
Gillian Armstrong directed this adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's classic novel. The story follows the lives of four New England sisters -- Jo (Winona Ryder), Amy (Kirsten Dunst), Meg (Trini Alvarado), and Beth (Claire Danes).
When Meg announces her plans to get married, Jo decides to leave for New York City to become a writer. As she settles down to a writing career, she meets Professor Friedrich Bhaer (Gabriel Byrne), who helps her with her work. While Jo is away, Amy falls in love with Jo's old flame Laurie (Christian Bale). But Jo is forced to return to New England when she discovers Beth is ill.
Gabriel Byrne, Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon, Christian Bale, Samantha Mathis, Eric Stoltz
Director: Gillian Armstrong
Denise Di Novi
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